Annual Fund

The annual fund is St. Paul Christian Academy’s most vital area of philanthropic support and is essential to the financial health of our school. Tuition covers only part of the full cost of a St. Paul student’s education, and the annual fund steps in to provide resources that immediately go to work in key areas, allowing St. Paul to: 

  • Recruit and retain faculty and staff of the highest caliber

  • Invest further in professional development

  • Offer diverse extra-curricular opportunities

  • Provide a rigorous academic curriculum and robust student programming

  • And more!

100% of St. Paul’s Board of Trust, faculty, and staff give to the annual fund, and between 93%-100% of parents have supported the annual fund in recent years. This level of commitment is an expression of unity and demonstrates to those less familiar with St. Paul – including foundations, corporations, and other philanthropic supporters – that our community stands behind our mission.

We are grateful for your support of St. Paul Christian Academy and the annual fund. Every gift makes a difference in the quality and quantity of opportunities we are able to offer St. Paul students, and we appreciate your partnership.

Leadership Giving: Circles of Support


At St. Paul Christian Academy, we deeply value all voluntary support and the meaningful choice that it represents. Achieving our goals requires gifts of all sizes, and leadership giving is essential to the success of our school. The Circles of Support recognize those in our community who have impacted St. Paul through their leadership giving.

Gifts from Circles of Support members are vital to sustaining the strength and vibrance of the student experience at St. Paul, and last year, gifts of $1,000 or more represented 78% of the total funds received in the 2022-23 St. Paul Christian Academy Annual Fund.

We invite all who are able to consider joining one of the Circles of Support, and we are grateful to those whose generosity and vision ensure a strong foundation for our community.