About Us

What do you hope and dream for your children before they enter their teenage years? At St. Paul, we walk with parents to establish a permanent foundation for our students so that they flourish by pursuing academic excellence, a passion for Christ, and an ever-deepening understanding of their call to be leaders who uniquely shape the world in which they live. We form this foundation by creating a place where your child is known, loved, nurtured, and challenged to be their best.

At St. Paul, we strive to shape young men and women who will uniquely shape the world in which they live. That desire directs everything we do, from curriculum planning to weekly chapel to naming our buildings and rooms. As our children walk through McGuffey Hall, read in the C.S. Lewis Library, sing in the Crosby Music Room, or run on the Liddell Track, they are reminded that the God of Scripture is alive, working through people who are passionate for Christ, who are committed to excellence in every field of endeavor, and who are prepared to lead.

Our Mission:

St. Paul Christian Academy integrates academic excellence with a passion for Christ to develop a strong foundation for young leaders who uniquely shape the world in which they live.


St. Paul Pillars